Sunday, December 11, 2011

Church Christmas Program

Saturday night was all about Conner. Which of course, he loved! Saturday night was our Church's Children's Christmas Program. Conner had the privilege of being the only 4 year old with a line in the play. He did a very good job and made his Mommy and Daddy very proud.
We rarely get a picture of all 3 of us gussied up. Yes, we know Hudson is not in the picture. He was sleeping away. He never knew we left. :)
That night was a special night for Conner and he highly enjoyed it being just the 3 of us! He is getting to be such a handsome little man!

Naughty or Nice?

Now that Hudson is able to pull himself up....he has been getting into more trouble. Most recently, pulling off one of Conner's drawings. Once Conner figured out what had happened to his drawing...he said...."Naughty Hudson! The Elf on the Shelf if watching you!"

Friday, December 2, 2011


Hudson calls it helping. Mommy and Daddy call it "Trouble!" He is so strong that he will actually pull the whole bottom rack off of its track.


For Thanksgiving we traveled to Texas. It was a great day and we couldnt have asked for better weather.

As always, a Fleitman Family tradition of shooting the left over Halloween Pumpkins.

Hudson got to meet his 2nd Cousin!

After lunch...Conner and his cousins we looking for "dinosaur" fossils.

Aunt Katie and Uncle James' new Mini was the new toy to play with.

On Friday, the boys opened their Christmas Gifts from Aunt Katie and Uncle James.

Saturday....we celebrated Aunt Katies 29th Birthday!

And last but not least, watched the Hokies win the game of the season! We had a great Thanksgiving and thankful for many things in our lifes!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Conner is thankful for.....

This post is brought to you by the #4

During this time of year, many people are giving Thanks for special things in their lives. We are thankful for a 4 letter word to hang our Christmas Stockings. Why? Because it means we are complete!

Thankful for the number 4!

Monkey Toes!

This is what happens when you go outside in your walker without any shoes. Monkey toes appear!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Seriously Mom?

Usually Hudson is all smiles! But once Mommy put this bear coat on him, his mood changed. Mommy thought it was perfect since we were tailgating at the MSU Bears Game. But I think Hudson thought differently? (Lovin the double chin!)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Here's what you missed.....

Over the past several weeks!

A wonderful Halloween night with friends!
Our wonderful cat, Sally, turning into a camera hog!

Cardinals Vs. Rangers! We all know who won!!

You have to be very special to be able to enter the "Man Cave." Since Aunt Erin is an Art Teacher...Conner let her in to teach him some new skills.

A Halloween Party at school!

Trick or Treating in the Missouri State University dorms.

Trunk or Treating at Church!

A Halloween Party with our friends, Noah and Ava.

Hudson and Ava!

Spooktacular in the local Zoo. Here Conner is with one of his school friends, Carter.

We met up with several friends!

And we saw many friends there as well!

It was a Great Halloween Season. We can only wonder what next years costume will be! Not sure if anything can beat The Lego Man!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Fun Weekend!

We had another fun weekend here in Springfield! Grandma and Grandpa from Texas came to visit us. We had MSU Tailgating, Soccer Game, and a trip to the park for the local Art Fest. Sunday, we a lazy day that consisted of painting our pumpkins. Our little Artist made each one look spectacular!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Busy Saturday!

Saturdays are our busy day. This Saturday it consisted of a Missouri State Football Game, Conners Soccer Game and April photographing a Wedding. Here are some snap shots of the busy day.

Conner loves to play the "Bean Bag Game" at the tailgate.
Hudson's first picture with Boomer!

Conner and his friend Lucas, had a blast playing this. Played it several times!

Hudson's girlfriend of almost 6 months was there.

Thanks to G-ma for giving Hudson these cute socks. He was a hit with all the college gals!

Even though the Bears have lost all 4 games....we still think they are #1!!

The Moms of The Rowdies Soccer Team recently purchased shirts to show our team pride. We have all been playing together for 4 seasons now. So, we decided it was time to purchase matching shirts. :) In about 5 years, if we all stick together, our team is going to be the team to beat! Its amazing how talented this little team is...even at 4 and 5 years old. There is some really talented boys on our team.

Once Conner and other members of the team makes several goals....this is where they end up. Goalie. Which as you can see if not one Conner's favorite positions. He would rather be with all the action. But that is the price you pay for making then have to give your team mates a chance to score.

The winning tunnel. The Rowdies Moms do this at every game!

Conner scoring 1 of his 2 goals.

Conner's mean soccer face!